A variety of copper tellurium oxide minerals are known, and many of them exhibit either unusual forms of magnetism, or potentially novel spin liquid behavior. Here, I review a number of the more interesting materials with a focus on their crystalline symmetry and, if known, the nature of their magnetism. Many of these exist (so far) in mineral form only, and most have yet to have their magnetic properties studied. This means a largely unexplored space of materials awaits our exploration.In 2005, Dan Nocera's group reported the synthesis of the copper hydroxychloride mineral, herbertsmithite [1]. A number of years later, they were able to report the growth of large single crystals [2]. Since then, a number of relatives of this mineral have been discovered and characterized [3]. Despite the existence of a large Curie-Weiss temperature of order 300 K, herbertsmithite does not order down to 20 mK [4].The reason these events have significance is that these minerals could be a realization of an idea proposed by Phil Anderson back in 1973 [5] that was based on an early debate in the field of magnetism between Louis Néel and Lev Landau. Néel had proposed the existence of antiferromagnetism, where there are two sub lattices of ferromagnetic moments oppositely aligned. This state was subsequently seen by neutron scattering (which resulted in a Nobel prize for Néel, and later for the neutron scatterer, Clifford Shull). But at the time, there was great skepticism about the existence of this state. The reason is that it is not an eigenstate of the spin operator (unlike ferromagnetism). There was suspicion that the true ground state would be a singlet. We now know that the origin of the Néel state is broken symmetry [6], and that fluctuations are usually not enough to destabilize long range order. But Phil realized that if the spins sat on a non-bipartite lattice, matters could change. Imagine a triangle with Ising spins. Then if two spins are anti-aligned, the direction of the third spin is undetermined. Phil speculated that instead of Néel order, the spins instead paired up to form singlets, and this would be preferred in two dimensions (where thermal fluctuations have a tendency to suppress order) and for low spin (where quantum fluctuations are more important). This is particularly obvious for S=1/2, where a singlet bond has an energy of -3J/4 compared to -J/4 for an antiferromagnetic bond. But to avoid the energy loss from the unpaired spin, these singlets should fluctuate from bond to bond, much like Pauling's model for how double carbon bonds in benzene rings resonate from one link to the next (hence the name, resonating valence bonds).Most attention has been given to the Heisenberg model, given the more important role of fluctuations in this case. But we now know that the near neighbor Heisenberg model on a triangular lattice does order, with the spins rotating by 120 • from one sub lattice to the next [7]. This is most clear from exact diagonalization studies, where precursors of the broken symmetry state, and associa...