The long·spacings of the co mpound s meth yl stea rate , eth yl stearate , n·butyl stea rate , 2· non· adeca none , n-eicosa ne , n-hexatriaco ntane a nd n-tetratetraco ntan e have bee n examin ed as a fun ction of temperature by mean s of low-a ngle x-ray diffraction. The intensity of the long-s pacin g wa s also determin ed versus te mperature_ The e ffect of ann ealing temperature and tim e was exa min ed by means of the DSC. Diel ectri c loss was studi ed in two crystallin e ph ases of n-but yl stea rate.Key word s: Diel ectri c loss; It-paraffin s. phase tra nsitions. x-ray scatterin g.