The crystal structure of the title compound (11) has been determined by three-dimensional X-ray analysis from diffractometer data. Crystals are orthorhombic, a = 18.796 * 0.003, b = 9.657 f 0.002, c = 12.773 f 0.003 A.The structure was solved by the program SEARCHER, for automatic heavy-atom analysis, and refined by full-matrix least-squares calculations to a final R of 0.083 for 1 273 independently observed reflections. Hydrogen atoms were located from a difference-Fourier synthesis. The absolute configuration was determined by the anomalous dispersion method. All the ring junctions are trans,trans. Rings A and B of the steroid skeleton have a half-chair, and ring c a chair conformation. The cyclopentane ring D has a distorted C(13) envelope conformation. ku, Osaka, 553 Japan AS thiosteroid derivatives have many interesting physiological and biological properties, Takeda l r 2 and his coworkers have studied the structure and conformational properties of these compounds on the basis of chemical evidence. In conjunction with a chemical study of thiosteroid derivatives, we have recently determined the structure of 2~,3a-epithio-5a-androstan-l7@-yl 9bromobenzoate (I), and found that introduction of the