The structure of the n-molecular compound anthracene:picric acid (monoclinic; a= 7.180, b = 12-901, c= 19.205/~,, fl=90.52 °, space group P21/c, Z=4) has been solved by direct methods, and refined to R= 5-0 % (goodness of fit= 1-67) with the intensities of 2092 non-zero reflexions measured on a diffractometer (graphite-monochromatized Mo K~). The components are arranged alternately in quasihexagonally close-packed mixed stacks, extending in the [100] direction. The picric acid molecule has an intramolecular hydrogen bond between the phenol OH group and an adjacent nitro group. The individual six-membered rings of the anthracene molecule are planar but the molecule as a whole deviates significantly from planarity and is also almost but not quite centrosymmetric. The bond lengths and angles conform to mm symmetry. The small differences found between the dimensions of anthracene in its picric acid molecular compound and in crystalline anthracene are not statistically significant.