Visual pigments consist of a chromophore, II-cis retinal (Figure ld) (or 3-dehydroretinal) covalently bound to a protein called an opsin. The pigments are situated in specialized membranes in vertebrate and invertebrate photoreceptors; the best studied, rhodopsin, is found in vertebrate rod outer segments. Light absorption by the visual pigments initiates a series of events that leads to the excitation of the photoreceptor cell. The mechanism of visual excitation is for the most part poorly understood although considerable progress has been made in understanding the structure and control of permeability of photoreceptor membranes (1, 2). The primary process in visual excitation elucidated by Wald, Hubbard and their colleagues (3) appears to be the photochemical isomerization of the chromophore to its all-trans conformation (Figure la). How this molecular event triggers the sequence of steps involved in visual excitation is unknown. To explain this will require understanding the properties of the isolated chromophore and its interactions with opsin as well as the structure of the pigment and the disk membrane in which it is located.This review is concerned with the conformational and spectroscopic properties of the chromophore, both when isolated in solution and when bound to an opsin to form a pigment. Due in part to advances in the underlying theory that have been stimulated by interest in the visual chromophore, the physical and theoretical chemistry of retinal isomers is now fairly well understood. The nature of the chromophore in the pigment is still uncertain although a number of recent experimental and theoretical studies have provided considerable insigh t as to possible modes of interaction.This article divides naturally into two parts. In the first section we discuss the ground and excited-state properties of the isolated retinal molecule; in the second we review the spectroscopic properties of the visual pigments and various theoretical models that have been proposed to explain the chromophore-opsin interaction. We 151 :-:9037 Annu. Rev. Biophys. Bioeng. 1974.3:151-177. Downloaded from Access provided by New York University -Bobst Library on 07/24/15. For personal use only. Quick links to online content Further ANNUAL REVIEWS 152 HONIG & EBREY (a) (b) CH3 (e) (d) 0 (e) 0 (tl 0 016 (g) Figure I Conformations of retinal: (a) 6 s-cis, all-trans, (b) 6 s-trans, all-trans, (c) 6 s-cis,9-cis, (d) 12 s-trans, 11-cis, (e) 12 s-cis, ll-cis, (I) 12 s-trans, ll-cis, 14-methyl, (g) 12 s-cis, ll-trans; ¢6-7, ¢,0-1 1 ' ¢ 1 l-12 , and ¢,2-13 are the dihedral angles about bonds 6C-7C, lOC-llC, llC-12C, and l2C-13C respectively; 3,4 dehydroretinai has an extra double bond in the ring between 3C and 4C are concerned primarily with the chromophore and our discussion of the visual pigment is limited to phenomena in which we believe it is directly involved. A number of earlier reviews and collections of articles on visual pigments provide useful back ground material and cover many important topics not ...