MARK C. NOBLE. Can. J . Chcm. 61, 2062 (1983). The reaction of norbornadiene with (triphenylphosphoranediyl)aminocyclotritliatriazcne produccs the cycloadduct Ph3PN-S3N3.C7Hs. The crystal and molecular structure of this compound has bccn cletermincd by X-ray crystallography.Crystals of Ph3PN-S3N3.C7Hs arc monoclinic, spacc group P 2 , / c , rz = 9.757(1), 11 = 15.1 14(1), c = 16.535(2) A, P = 100.73(1)", V = 2395.7(9) A', and Z = 4. Thc structure was solved by direct n~cthods and refined by Fourier and full-matrix least-squares procedures to give a final R of 0.040 and R,,. of 0.058 for 2620 observed reflections. The structure reveals that the S,N, ring adds to norbornadiene in an exo fashion via two sulphur atoms. The S3N, ring adopts a chair conforrnation with the threc ligands occupying axial positions on thc same side of the ring. Thc rclativc rates of this and other cycloadditions involving SN substrates and olefins are discussed in terms of the energies of the interacting frontier orbitals. Thc results suggest that HOMO (o1efin) [Traduit par le journal]