Diffusion experiments with a Cu/Ti diffusion couple were conducted using the pulse-current-heating method and the conventional-heating method. The interfacial microstructure and the growth behavior of the diffusion-reaction layer were investigated with a scanning electron microscope (SEM), electron probe micro-analyzer (EPMA), energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The results showed that the pulse-current heating could accelerate the diffusion of Ti atoms into a Cu matrix, significantly improve the growth rate of the diffusion-action layer, located at the side of the Cu matrix and make the growth of the interfacial reaction layer follow the parabolic rule. Meanwhile, under the pulse-current heating, the stratification of the diffusion-reaction layer was not obvious. Correspondingly, under the conventional heating method, the stratification of the diffusion-reaction layer was obvious and each reaction layer had a single microstructure, which was consistent with the reactant from the corresponding Cu-Ti binary-alloy phase diagram. Keywords: Cu/Ti diffusion couple, pulse-current heating, diffusion, interfacial microstructure, interfacial-layer growth Avtorji prispevka so izvedli difuzijske eksperimente na paru Cu/Ti. Pri tem so difuzijski par ogrevali na dva razli~na na~ina; z uporabo postopka impulznega tokovnega ogrevanja in konvencionalnega postopka ogrevanja. Medfazno mikrostrukturo in rast difuzijsko-reakcijske plasti so analizirali z vrsti~nim elektronskim mikroskopom (SEM), mikroanalizatorjem z elektronsko sondo (EPMA), energijskim disperzijskim spektrometrom (EDS) in rentgensko difrakcijsko analizo (XRD). Rezultati analiz so pokazali, da impulzno tokovno ogrevanje lahko pospe{i difuzijo atomov Ti v matriko Cu in o~itno izbolj{a hitrost rasti difuzijske plasti, ki se nahaja na strani Cu matrike. Pri tem kinetika rasti difuzijsko-reakcijske plasti sledi paraboli~nemu zakonu. Niso pa opazili izrazitega plastenja difuzijsko-reakcijske plasti, ki je bilo o~itno pri konvencionalnem na~inu ogrevanja difuzijskega para. V tem primeru je imela vsaka reakcijska plast enovito mikrostrukturo, skladno z reaktantoma v binarnem faznem diagramu Cu-Ti. Klju~ne besede: difuzijski par Cu/Ti, impulzno tokovno ogrevanje, difuzija, medfazna mikrostruktura, rast medfazne plasti