Last year, there was an increase in the amount of manpower in Malaysia, especially in terms of the numbers of neurosurgeons, cognitive neuroscientists and clinical psychologists. One way to increase the number of cognitive neurotechnologists in the country in 2021 is to allow neuroscientists to register as neurotechnologists with the Malaysian Board of Technologists (MBOT). The Malaysian Brain Mapping project has risen from its humble beginnings as an initiative of the Universiti Sains Malaysia Brain Mapping Group in 2017. There is currently a proposal for its entry into the national arena via the Precision Medicine Initiative with the Academy Science Malaysia, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, Ministry of Higher Education and Ministry of Health. The current Malaysian Government’s Science, Technology, Innovation and Economy (STIE) plan was launched in 2020, leading to the establishment of neurotechnology as one of 10 STIE drivers.