We reveal the presence of significant variations in Brønsted catalytic activity within and between individual H-ZSM-5 zeolite crystals. Fluorescence microscopy in combinationw ith a fluorogenic probe was used to resolve the catalytic activity at the nanoscale. The observed variations in catalytic activity could be directly linked to structural parameters and crystal morphology observed in scanninge lectron microscopy and by specifically stainingc rystal defects. The obtained resultsa re directly comparedw ith ensemblea veraged information from techniques such as pyridine IR spectroscopy and nitrogen physisorption, typically used to characterize acid zeolites. The inter-and intra-particle heterogeneities resolved by the employed fluorescence approach remainu naddressed by bulk characterization. Our experimental resultsr elate the heterogeneous catalytic activity to variation in both the Si/Al ratio and mesoporosity inducedd uring the zeolite synthesis.The preparation of zeolite-based industrial catalysts usually involves mixingt he zeolitesw ith silicaa nd or aluminab inders in order to dilute the zeolite properties and to obtain the desired throughput. [1][2][3] During this process it is assumed that the zeolite crystalsthemselves are homogeneous in nature, [2,4,5] that is, only small variations in properties between the zeolite crystals in ab atch exist. However,i fthis assumption is wrong and large variations in, for example, acid site density are present, parts of the shaped catalystc ould become more active than others,r esulting in undesired coke formation and thus al oss in catalystactivity and lifetime. [4,6,7] Twop arameters impacting catalyst activity are the number and strength of acid sites present in az eolite. These are directly relatedt ot he framework Al content, [8,9] hence Al determination is often used to assess zeolite acidity.S everalt echniques can be used to determine the Si/Al ratio, yielding powder averaged information, for example, elemental analysisu sing inductive coupled plasma (ICP), [10,11] magic angle spinning (MAS) 29 Si and 27 Al NMR, [8,12] laser induced break down spectroscopy (LIBS), [13] X-ray photon electron spectroscopy (XPS) [12,14] and time of flight-secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS). [15,16] All of theset echniques lead to the determination of the 'bulk" scale acidity and some are even able to obtain single crystal information given that crystal sizes and aluminum content are sufficiently large; [17] for example, single crystal X-ray diffraction [17,18] and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) coupled to electron microscopy potentially with focused-ion-beam milling. [14,19] In summary,t he acidic properties of zeolitesa re often deduced indirectly from the aluminum content.F urther,n oi nformation regarding site accessibility is obtained in these results. Direct measurements of acid site density and strengtha re possible via temperature programmed desorption (TPD) [8,14,20] and infrared- [2,21,22] or Raman spectroscopy [23] using basic probe molecules such...