The southern water area of Lake Ladoga, which includes three lips (Shlisselburgskaya, Volkhovskaya and Svirskaya) is a place of spawning, feeding and fishing of various species of fish. The hydrological features of the lips – shallow water and the presence of extensive littoral zones, makes them particularly susceptible to pollutants coming in various ways – aerogenic, with surface runoff and wastewater. The results of the fish study showed that they are massively affected by toxicosis, their natural reproduction is disrupted, which affects the state of their populations and the structure of the fish population as a whole. Fish are integral bioindicators of water quality, their condition allows us to assess the level of pollution of individual water areas. It has shown that the level of pollution of the southern water area of the lake has not changed in recent decades, which is due to the presence of pollution sources and the entry of pollutants by aerogenic means and surface runoff. Some improvement in the ecological state and increase in the fishery potential of the southern water area is associated with environmental protection measures, factory reproduction of fish and reclamation of spawning grounds.