Education in Indonesia still has problems in terms of distribution, relevancy, efficiency, and quality of education. There are still problems regarding the quality of education in vocational school specifically in Bandung City, such as the quality of process in which teacher has vital role in improving the quality of learning process. Cited from Kasubdit Banglemsidiklat posited that in Bandung, there were 63% vocational school teachers who did not have required standard of professional competencies'. The quality of education in this research examines the quality of education based on the quality of student and teacher, learning environment, school discipline, the availability of learning resources, parents' participation, and unit cost. Methodology used in this research is descriptive with quantitative approach while the sample is 32 school principals. The result of research shows that the dimension of quality is low in which the quality of student got the mean score at 4.32 based on some categories there are curriculum, the quality of learners, the quality of educators, the work environment of school discipline, availability of degree, parent participation, and quality of unit cost. the conclusion of this research is the Quality of School at Vocational High School in Bandung is in very high category which is supported by good quality components.