Broxterman RM, Ade CJ, Craig JC, Wilcox SL, Schlup SJ, Barstow TJ. Influence of blood flow occlusion on muscle oxygenation characteristics and the parameters of the power-duration relationship. J Appl Physiol 118: 880 -889, 2015. First published February 6, 2015 doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00875.2014.-It was previously (Monod H, Scherrer J. Ergonomics 8: 329 -338, 1965 postulated that blood flow occlusion during exercise would reduce critical power (CP) to 0 Watts (W), while not altering the curvature constant (W=). We empirically assessed the influence of blood flow occlusion on CP, W=, and muscle oxygenation characteristics. Ten healthy men (age: 24.8 Ϯ 2.6 yr; height: 180 Ϯ 5 cm; weight: 84.6 Ϯ 10.1 kg) completed four constant-power handgrip exercise tests during both control blood flow (control) and blood flow occlusion (occlusion) for the determination of the power-duration relationship. Occlusion CP (Ϫ0.7 Ϯ 0.4 W) was significantly (P Ͻ 0.001) lower than control CP (4.1 Ϯ 0.7 W) and significantly (P Ͻ 0.001) lower than 0 W. Occlusion W= (808 Ϯ 155 J) was significantly (P Ͻ 0.001) different from control W= (558 Ϯ 129 J), and all 10 subjects demonstrated an increased occlusion W= with a mean increase of ϳ49%. The present findings support the aerobic nature of CP. The findings also demonstrate that the amount of work that can be performed above CP is constant for a given condition, but can vary across conditions. Moreover, this amount of work that can be performed above CP does not appear to be the determinant of W=, but rather a consequence of the depletion of intramuscular energy stores and/or the accumulation of fatigue-inducing metabolites, which limit exercise tolerance and determine W=. critical power; curvature constant; oxygen delivery; muscle ischemia THE ROBUST NATURE OF THE power-duration relationship (and its equivalents for other modes of exercise) has been well established (26, 27, 52). Nevertheless, the precise physiological mechanisms of the curvature constant (W=), and to a lesser degree critical power (CP), have remained elusive. The growing body of evidence supports that CP represents the highest attainable steady state for aerobic energy production without continually drawing on W= and, as such, demarcates the boundary between the heavy-and severe-intensity exercise domains (4,12,38,39,42,51). It is also evident that W= is a constant term that determines the limit of exercise tolerance (T lim ) for severe-intensity exercise (21, 55). Intramuscular energy stores (35,36,38), the accumulation of fatigue-inducing metabolites (7,18,21,28), and/or the magnitude of the severe-intensity domain (5, 51) have all been postulated to determine W=. Building evidence supports that complete utilization of W= is associated with consistent muscle phosphocreatine ([PCr]), inorganic phosphate ([P i ]), and hydrogen ion concentration ([H ϩ ]) perturbations, which may limit the amount of work performed above CP (28,43,51). Additionally, the rate of W= utilization (but not the magnitude of W=) is influenced by mani...