“…They argue that once the firm reaches the level of EP that maximizes FP, further improvements of EP will necessarily result in lower FP. Whereas following Nuber, Velte, and Hörisch (2020), most empirical studies have provided evidence of a U-shaped relationship (Nuber et al, 2020, for Germany;Wang, Lu, Ye, Chau, & Zhang, 2016, for a sample of international construction corporations; Trumpp & Guenther, 2017, for an international sample of service and manufacturing firms), there is also evidence of an inverted U-shaped relationship (Han, Kim, & Yu, 2016, for Korea;Misani & Pogutz, 2015, for an international sample). Following these prior studies, we investigate the existence of a Table 8 displays ENVSCORE presents significant coefficients only in the estimation conducted with the American subsample.…”