The specific rate of superoxide (O2∸) production in purified active crystallizable cytochrome b6f complex, normalized to the rate of electron transport, has been found to be an order of magnitude greater than that measured in isolated yeast respiratory bc1 complex. The biochemical and structural basis for the enhanced production of O2∸ in the cytochrome b6f compared to the bc1 complex is discussed. The larger rate of superoxide production in the b6f complex could be a consequence of an increased residence time of plastosemiquinone/plastoquinol in its binding niche near the Rieske protein iron-sulfur cluster, resulting from (i) occlusion of the quinone portal by the phytyl chain of the unique bound chlorophyll, (ii) an altered environment of the proton-accepting glutamate believed to be a proton acceptor from semiquinone, or (iii) a more negative redox potential of the heme bp on the electrochemically positive side of the complex. The enhanced rate of superoxide production in the b6f complex is physiologically significant as chloroplast-generated ROS functions in the regulation of excess excitation energy, is a source of oxidative damage inflicted during photosynthetic reactions, and is a major source of ROS in plant cells. Altered levels of ROS production are believed to convey redox signaling from the organelle to the cytosol and nucleus.