Using a simple model of a plasma between two boundaries at which temperature is fixed, we investigate the thermal transport in the collisionless limit, relaxing the usual local neutrality assumption. For physically relevant external parameters, an analytical solution is found where the heat flux is reduced with respect to its value when local electroneutrality is assumed.PACS numbers: 52.25.Fi, 52.40.Kh The classical heat-transport problem in a weakly coupled plasma has recently received much attention in connection with the extension of the linear theory 1,2 into the nonlinear, large-temperaturegradient and thus less collisional regime. The interest for this problem is notably motivated by the physical conditions which occur in plasmas produced by high-power lasers. 3 Besides numerical works treating the Fokker-Planck equation, 4,5 analytical models have been developed to deal with an arbitrary collisionality parameter L/X where L is the macroscopic characteristic length and A the collisional mean free path. 6 " 8 When going from the collisional to the collisionless limit, the authors of the latter works essentially maintain or arrive at the assumption of strict local electroneutrality. This procedure is, however, questionable in the context of stationary states of bounded plasmas, as considered in their models. We aim here at evaluating the effect of relaxing local electroneutrality in the collisionless case, the plasma remaining globally neutral. More specifically, the modification introduced on the heat flux will be examined.We investigate a solution to the one-dimensional Vlasov-Poisson system, describing the electrons embedded in a uniform ion background of density n h charge number Z:(1) ldu where / is the electron distribution function, n(x) = Jd 3 vfis the electron number density, and 0 is the electric potential. The plasma is bounded by two thermostatic walls located at x = -d/2 and x = d/2, respectively, and at different temperatures T + and T~, respectively. We restrict our analysis to the case of a monotonic variation of , say cj)'(x) ^ 0 for instance, but the ratio r 2 = T + /T~ is allowed to take the value T h /T c as well as T c /T h , where T h and T c stand for the given hot and cold boundary temperatures, respectively. The microscopic boundary conditions are taken such that the distribution function for electrons flowing away from each wall is Maxwellian, with the wall temperature:Here, 0 ± = 0( +d/2), with 0 " = 0. The parameters n + , n ~, and + must be determined self-consistently according to three conditions: (i) a noncapture condition at the walls which implies that the electron current vanishes in the stationary state, (ii) global electroneutrality, and (iii) the electron density at the hot wall, n h , given, i.e., n ( -d/2) = n h in case r>\ while n(d/2) = n h in case r < 1. The formal solution of the Vlasov equation for the distribution function expressed in terms of the potential and satisfying the wall interaction conditions (2) can be constructed by proceeding as in Fang, ...