The Dae Hwa W-Mo mine is located approximately 100 km southeast of Seoul within the Precambrian metamorphic belt of the southern Korean peninsula. The major ore minerals, wolframite, scheelite, and molybdenite, together with minor cassiterite, chalcopyrite, and bismuthinite, occur within fissure-filling quartz veins contained within Precambrian granitic gneiss adjacent to a granitic stock of Cretaceous age. K-Ar dates of 88 ___ 2 m.y. for vein muscovite suggest a Late Cretaceous age for W-Mo mineralization.The ore mineral paragenesis can be divided into three distinct stages: a molybdenite-wolframitc stage (400ø315ø), an iron sulfide-scheelite stage (315ø230ø), and a late carbonate stage (230ø150ø). The •so values of vein minerals are: quartz, 10.6 to 11.4 per mil; muscovite, 8.2 per mil; cassiterite, 2.9 per mil; wolframite, 4.0 to 4.3 per mil; color-zoned scheelite, -7.3 to 2.2 per mil (cores = -0.8-+2.2%0, edges = -7.3--2.7%o); siderite, 11.8 per mil; dolomite, 7.7 to 10.0 per mil; calcite, 5.7 to 9.3 per mil. There is a nearly monotonic decrease in calculated $•So values of hydrothermal waters with decreasing temperature in the Dae Hwa hydrothermal system, from values of •6 per mil for quartz-muscovite-molybdenite-cassiterite-wolframite deposition, to • 3.5 to 0.0 per mil for iron sulfide-early scheelite mineralization, to -3.5 to -7.0 per mil for late scheelite-carbonate deposition. We believe the decrease of •so water values with paragenetic time and decreasing temperature represents the progressively increasing importance of meteoric water interaction in the Dae Hwa tungstenmolybdenum hydrothermal system.The measured and calculated ranges of $D values of inclusion fluids and hydrous minerals are: -48 to -78 per mil for quartz-muscovite-molybdenite-wolframite deposition, -60 to -67 per mil for early scheelite deposition, and -71 to -101 per mil for late scheelite-carbonate deposition. The hydrogen and oxygen isotope compositions of hydrothermal fluids at Dae Hwa are consistent with progressive mixing of a magmatic or highly exchanged meteoric water (exchanged with granitic rocks over a series of temperatures at variable, but low water to rock ratios) with an unexchanged meteoric water ($D = -140%o). The stable isotope composition of the tungsten-molybdenum-mineralizing fluid is controlled predominately by the host granitic rocks.Sulfur isotope analyses of sulfide vein minerals suggest an igneous source of sulfur with a $34S•s value near 3.0 per mil. Together with the hydrogen and oxygen isotope data, they indicate that deposition of molybdenite, wolframite, and scheelite occurred during a period of declining temperatures from 400 ø to 230øC in response to inundation of an original magmatic system with low-temperature waters of meteoric origin.
Differences in mineralogy, paragenesis, and $•so values of hydrothermal fluids between W-Mo (scheelite rich) and W-base metal (wolframite rich) vein-type deposits may reflectdifferences in their postwolframite deposition interactions with meteoric waters. The hydrothe...