In this paper, we address the problem of approximating the probability density function of the following random logistic differential equation: P ′ (t, ) = A(t, )(1 − P(t, ))P(t, ), t ∈ [t 0 , T], P(t 0 , ) = P 0 ( ), where is any outcome in the sample space Ω. In the recent contribution [Cortés, JC, et al. Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 2019; 72: 121-138], the authors imposed conditions on the diffusion coefficient A(t) and on the initial condition P 0 to approximate the density function f 1 (p, t) of P(t): A(t) is expressed as a Karhunen-Loève expansion with absolutely continuous random coefficients that have certain growth and are independent of the absolutely continuous random variable P 0 , and the density of P 0 , P 0 , is Lipschitz on (0, 1). In this article, we tackle the problem in a different manner, by using probability tools that allow the hypotheses to be less restrictive. We only suppose that A(t) is expanded on L 2 ([t 0 , T] × Ω), so that we include other expansions such as random power series. We only require absolute continuity for P 0 , so that A(t) may be discrete or singular, due to a modified version of the random variable transformation technique. For P 0 , only almost everywhere continuity and boundedness on (0, 1) are needed. We construct an approximating sequence { N 1 (p, t)} ∞ N=1 of density functions in terms of expectations that tends to f 1 (p, t) pointwise. Numerical examples illustrate our theoretical results. KEYWORDS mean square expansion, probability density function, random logistic differential equation
34F05; 60H35; 60H10In this setting, we are assuming an underlying complete probability space (Ω, , P), where Ω is the sample space that consists of outcomes (which might usually be omitted in evaluations), ⊆ 2 Ω is the -algebra of events, and P is the probability measure. The initial condition P 0 is a random variable, and the diffusion coefficient A(t) is a stochastic process. In principle, these random data may take any probability distribution. The solution P(t) to (1) is also a stochastic Math Meth Appl Sci. 2019;