This multiple case study aims to answer the main research question, "How well are exceptionally talented Finnish and Singaporean dance students supported by significant individuals at different phases of the students' development?" The exceptionally talented students aged 16 to 22 were enrolled in their national dance institutionsthe Finnish National Opera Ballet School and the Singapore Dance Theatre. Perspectives of social support were elicited from 13 participants-dance students (n = 4), teachers (n = 6), parents (n = 2), and one sibling. Data were documents, letters, interviews, and observation field notes collected over 2 years. The themes that emerged from the deductive and inductive analysis-being there, sharing, and knowing-illustrated the types of support from families, peers, and teachers that contributed to the students' development. While making cross-cultural comparisons, reflections about mindset, self-efficacy, and pedagogical practices are also discussed. A conclusion offers educational implications and directions for future research.Research on how students thrive on social support is important. It provides insights for counselors, educators, and parents into how students can capitalize on positive relationships with significant individuals to excel. Research findings across a range of domains such as classical music (e.