We present a study of the alloying series of the non-centrosymmetric f -electron intermetallic CePt3B1−xSix by means of muon spin rotation and relaxation measurements. In addition, we include a high pressure magnetization investigation of the stoichiometric parent compound CePt3B. From our data we establish the nature of the magnetic ground state properties of the series, derive the ordered magnetic moment as function of stoichiometry and gain insight into the evolution of the symmetry of the ordered magnetic state with x. We thus can verify the notion that the behavior of the sample series can essentially be understood within the framework of the Doniach phase diagram. Further, our findings raise the issue of the role the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya magnetic interaction plays in correlated electron materials, and its effect on magnetic fluctuations in such materials. PACS numbers: 76.75.+i, 76.80.+y, 75.30.Fv Throughout the past three decades in the field of studies on heavy fermion superconductors topics of prime interest are the mechanisms of the pairing and the symmetry of the superconducting state 1,2 . Especially for the spin triplet state in unconventional superconductors there are strong arguments that the binding of electrons to Cooper pairs occurs via spin fluctuations 3 . In this context, CePt 3 Si is the first heavy fermion superconductor with a lack of inversion symmetry of its crystallographic lattice 4 . This causes a spin-orbit splitting of the Fermi surface, which might generate chiral spin states 5 . A pure spin triplet pairing in such non-centrosymmetric system is excluded because of fundamental symmetry arguments 6 . Now, CePt 3 Si exhibits an anomalously large superconducting upper critical field B c2 ≈ 5 T 4 . To resolve this conflict, nowadays the common view is that the superconducting pairing involves an admixture of a spin-singlet and triplet state. Still, up to now, a comprehensive explanation of superconductivity in these noncentrosymmetric systems is lacking.Therefore, CePt 3 Si has been the focus of very intensive research efforts in recent years 4,7-9 . An unconventional heavy fermion (γ = 0.39 J/mole K 2 ) superconducting ground state has been established below T c = 0.75 K (0.45 K in a high quality single crystal 7 ; the discrepancy has not been resolved conclusively as yet). This superconducting state is in coexistence with a long-range antiferromagnetically ordered state, with an ordering wave vector q = (0, 0, 0.5) of strongly reduced magnetic moments µ ord = 0.16 µ B /Ce being detected below the Néel temperature T N = 2.2 K 10-12 .In contrast, the isostructural system CePt 3 B does neither show superconductivity nor heavy fermion behavior at low temperatures 13 . Both, CePt 3 Si and CePt 3 B, crystallize in the tetragonal non-centrosymmetric CePt 3 B structure (space group P 4mm) at ambient pressure with lattice parameters a = 4.072/4.003Å and c = 5.442/5.075Å for the Si/B compound, respectively 4,13,14 . In a previous paper, we have argued that the combination of lattice parame...