“…The data described here do not allow for definitive conclusions concerning the function of a 59-to-39 helicase activity in coronavirus replication and transcription+ However, because double-stranded replicative intermediates are believed to be the predominant RNA structures in coronaviral RNA synthesis (for a review, see van der Most & Spaan, 1995), it is tempting to speculate that, in analogy to models described for the replisome (reviewed in Baker & Bell, 1998), the coronavirus helicase operates in conjunction with RdRp and, by translocating along the "lagging strand" RNA template, provides the single-stranded RNA template for processive ("leading strand") RNA synthesis+ It is noteworthy that the vaccinia virus NPH-II RNA helicase has recently been shown to be a highly processive enzyme that unwinds long duplex RNA structures (Jankowsky et al+, 2000)+ This data contradicts the previously held belief that processivity can only be attributed to DNA helicases (de la Cruz et al+, 1999) and supports the hypothesis that, at least some viral RNA helicases might be "replicative" helicases in the true sense+ Because coronaviruses are RNA viruses that replicate in the cytoplasm of the infected cell, it appears unlikely that the HEL DNA helicase activity has any relevance to a specific function in viral RNA synthesis+ However, as illustrated for the HCV NS3 helicase, the in vitro DNA helicase activity greatly facilitates biochemical and structural analyses (Preugschat et al+, 1996;Korolev et al+, 1997;Kim et al+, 1998)+ We have used the DNA helicase activity of HEL to investigate the effects of length and sequence variations in the 59 tail of a partial-duplex DNA substrate on duplex unwinding+ The data we have obtained do not allow us to propose a well-defined sequence specificity of the coronavirus helicase, as has been possible for other proteins (FullerPace et al+, 1993;Nicol & Fuller-Pace, 1995;O'Day et al+, 1996;Xu et al+, 1996), but they are a first step in the identification of biologically relevant, coronavirusspecific helicase substrates+…”