Properties of excited states in lli'lt3'i15Sb were investigated with the (p, 2n7) reaction. Singles y-ray spectra, neutron-gamma-and gamma-gamma coincidences, excitation functions and half-lives were measured. The experimental results are interpreted with the unified model. Recently found rotational bands are also excited in these reactions. E Nuclear Reactions: li2Sn(p, 2n7) m Sb, E = 16.6 -20.2, 28 MeV; i14Sn(p, 2ny)il3Sb, 20, 28MeV; ll6Sn(p,2ny)ilSSb,20, 28MeV; measured Er, I, y(t), ny-coin, yy-coin, a(E; Ey). Deduced levels, J, re, T 89Enriched targets, Ge(Li) detectors.