Abstract:We study characteristic flow patterns downstream of a standardized swirl disturbance generator using laser-Doppler velocimetry (LDV). To investigate the spatial development of flow patterns, we conduct LDV measurements in cross-sections located at various distances downstream from the swirl disturbance generator. Focusing on velocity profiles, decay of swirl, and performance indicators used to describe the characteristic shape of the velocity profiles, we systematically compare the experimental results with available references and various theories for decay of swirl disturbances. We find that the standardized swirl disturbance generator provides exponentially decaying swirling flow that is best captured by the theory of Steenbergen and Voskamp¹. In addition, deviations from the axial reference profile caused by the swirl disturber persist for long downstream distances. In particular, our results suggest that the peakness factor relaxes linearly towards the fully-developed state.Keywords: Laser-Doppler velocimetry, swirl disturbance generator, swirling pipe-flow, performance indicators, downstream relaxation.