We measured decomposition rates and nutrient loss sequences of rainbow trout (Qncorhynchus mykiss) and pintail duck (Anas acutas) carcasses in a Wyoming marsh over a lo-month period (July-May). Data on carcass mass loss were fit to single-and double-exponential decomposition models. Fish carrion decomposed more rapidly and completely than waterfowl carrion; after 10 months, fish carcasses had lost 85% of their initial dry mass (leaving only scales and bones), while duck carcasses had lost only 30% (leaving feathers and bones). Fish carrion lost 95% of the original carcass N and 60% of carcass P; waterfowl carrion lost 65Oh of carcass N, but only 300/o of carcass P. The sequence of total elemental loss rates from carcasses was K > Na 1 N > S 1 P > Ca = Mg and was similar for fish and waterfowl carrion, Percentage elemental compositions of carcasses changed temporally with K, Na, and N decreasing in concentration and Mg, Ca, P, and S increasing. Vertebrate carrion decomposition differed from plant litter decomposition, both qualitatively (different nutrient loss sequences) and quantitatively (faster mass loss rates). We suggest that vertebrate carrion can function as a nutrient source for some elements (N, K, Na, and S) and as a partial nutrient sink for others (P, Ca, and Mg). Although the quantitative importance of carrion-derived elements to ecosystem nutrient budgets is site-specific, studies have shown that in aquatic environments supporting large vertebrate populations, carrion decomposition can contribute significant amounts of important nutrients that ultimately influence the structure and functioning ofthe aquatic ecosystem.