A set of vertices S of a connected graph G is a nonseparating independent set if S is independent and G−S is connected. The nsis number Z(G) is the maximum cardinality of a nonseparating independent set of G. It is well known that computing the nsis number of graphs is NP-hard even when restricted to 4-regular graphs. In this paper, we first present a new sufficient and necessary condition to describe the nsis number. Then, we completely solve the problem of counting the nsis number of hypercubes Q n and Cartesian product of two cycles C m C n , respectively. We show that Z(Q n ) = 2 n−2 for n ≥ 2, and Z(C m C n ) = n + (n + 2)/4 if m = 4, m + (m + 2)/4 if n = 4 and mn/3 otherwise. Moreover, we find a maximum nonseparating independent set of Q n and C m C n , respectively.