RbBaPO4: Eu 2+ phosphors have been prepared by a high-temperature solid-state reaction method, and the structure was determined by Rietveld refinement based on powder X-ray diffraction (P-XRD) data. Their VUV-UV-vis photoluminescence properties are systematically investigated with three objectives: (1) based on low-temperature spectra, we clarify the site occupancies of Eu 2+ , and demonstrate that the doublet emission bands at 406 and 431 nm are originated from Eu 2+ in Ba 2+ [Eu 2+ (I)] and Rb + [Eu 2+ (II)] sites, respectively; (2) an electronvibrational interaction (EVI) analysis is conducted to estimate the Huang-Rhys factors, the zerophonon lines (ZPLs) and the Stokes shifts of Eu 2+ in Rb + and Ba 2+ sites; (3) the studies on luminescence decay of Eu 2+ (I) reveal that dipole-dipole interaction is mainly responsible for the energy transfer from Eu 2+ (I) to Eu 2+ (II), and the energy migration between Eu 2+ (I) is weak. Finally, the X-ray excited luminescence (XEL) spectrum indicates that the light yield of the sample RbBa0.995Eu0.005PO4 is 17700 ph/MeV, showing its potential application in X-ray detecting.