Requirements for mobility and speed in battle command led to the development of a mobile, digitized command and control vehicle (C2V). Conducting battle command in a C2V impacts how the individual and team will acquire, process, and disseminate information. To test the effect that the C2V will have on battle command performance requires an evaluation of both individual and team performance. Cognitive test batteries exist to assess individual performance. The current effort was to develop a task battery for use in evaluating team performance. Four team performance functions (information exchange, resource matching, coordination, and error checking) were proposed and used to guide the selection of tasks to form a team performance task battery. Tasks were selected from a large sample of group tasks identified and assessed for applicability to the team performance functions. Tasks that most exemplified each of the four functions and that could be used to support the C2V test were compiled into a task list and developed for implementation. Task development included creating, gathering, or assembling stimulus materials, instructions, and test protocols. Manual versions of all the selected tasks and digital versions of some tasks were developed. A sufficient number of replications of each task were developed to support the C2V test design. Four of the tasks developed were used during the C2V test. It was concluded that the C2V environment impaired performance of all group performance tasks, especially those that required a great degree of coordination and integration. Future research must expand this initial effort to empirically define and validate team functions and related tasks.