The degree of a lattice polytope is a notion in Ehrhart theory that was studied quite intensively over the previous years. It is well-known that a lattice polytope has normalized volume one if and only if its degree is zero. Recently, Esterov and Gusev gave a complete classification result of families of n lattice polytopes in R n whose mixed volume equals one. Here, we give a reformulation of their result involving the novel notion of a mixed degree that generalizes the degree similar to how the mixed volume generalizes the volume. We discuss and motivate this terminology, and explain why it extends a previous definition of Soprunov. We also remark how a recent combinatorial result due to Bihan solves a related problem posed by Soprunov.
Definitions and motivation1.1. Introduction. Lattice polytopes in R n are called hollow (or lattice-free) [23,8] if they have no lattice points (i.e., elements in Z n ) in their relative interiors. In this paper, we initiate the study of large families of lattice polytopes with hollow Minkowski sums. We observe that such a family can consist of at most n elements (Proposition 2.1). In Theorem 2.2, we deduce from the main result in [14] that a family of n lattice polytopes in R n has mixed volume one if and only if the Minkowski sums of all subfamilies are hollow. In order to measure the 'hollowness' of a family of lattice polytopes, we introduce the mixed degree of a family of lattice polytopes. Our goal is to convince the reader that this is a worthwhile to study invariant of a family of lattice polytopes that naturally generalizes the much-studied notion of the degree of a lattice polytope in a manner similar to how the mixed volume generalizes the normalized volume (see Subsection 1.3). As first positive evidence for this claim, we show the nonnegativity of the mixed degree (Subsection 2.1), a generalization of the nonnegativity of the degree, and the characterization of mixed degree zero by mixed volume one (Subsection 2.2) in analogy to the characterization of degree zero by normalized volume one. We will also explain how the definition given here generalizes an independent definition of Soprunov (Subsection 2.3).
Basic definitions.Let us recall that a lattice polytope P ⊂ R n is a polytope whose vertices are elements of the lattice Z n . Two lattice polytopes are unimodularly equivalent if they are isomorphic via an affine lattice-preserving transformation. We denote by conv(A) the convex hull of a set A ⊆ R n . We say P is an n-dimensional unimodular simplex if it is unimodularly equivalent to ∆ n := conv(0, e 1 , . . . , e n ), where 0 denotes the origin of R n and e 1 , . . . , e n the standard basis vectors. We define the normalized volume Vol(P ) as dim(P )! times the Euclidean volume with respect to the affine lattice given by the intersection of Z n and the affine span of P . Note that Vol(∆ n ) = 1.Definition 1.1. Let P 1 , . . . , P m ⊂ R n be a finite set of lattice polytopes.• For k ∈ Z ≥1 we set [k] := {1, . . . , k}.• For ∅ = I ⊆ [m] we define their Minkowski ...