1. The Na+-K+ pump current (Ip) was studied in sino-atrial (SA) node cells of rabbits using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique. 4. The cation dependence of the K+ site of the Na+-K+ pump was examined using various monovalent cations. The sequence was K+ > Rb+ > Cs+ > > > Li+.5. Ip at 0 mV also increased as [Nae]p9p was increased from 10 to 150 mm at 5-4 mm K+, with a Ko.5 value of 14 mm and a nHof 1P3 (n = 54).6. Ip at 0 mV was reduced by lowering the temperature from 37 to 25°C with 30 mm Napip and 5-4 mm K+. The temperature coefficient (Qlo) for Ip was 2-1 (n = 27). 7. With 10 mM Nat1p and 5-4 mm K+, the half-activation voltage of Ip was -52 + 16 mV and the current at this voltage was 22 5 + 3 5 pA (n = 10), indicating that Ip contributes significantly to the background outward current during the normal pacemaker potential of SA node cells. Irisawa, Brown & Giles, 1993). Recently, however, the presence of a time-independent background current has been reported and it has been shown that a Na+-dependent inward current makes a significant contribution to pacemaker depolarization (Hagiwara, Irisawa, Kasanuki & Hosoda, 1992