To study the depinning transition in the limit of strong disorder, Derrida and Retaux [9] introduced a discrete-time max-type recursive model. It is believed that for a large class of recursive models, including Derrida and Retaux' model, there is a highly non-trivial phase transition. In this article, we present a continuous-time version of Derrida and Retaux model, built on a Yule tree, which yields an exactly solvable model belonging to this universality class. The integrability of this model allows us to study in details the phase transition near criticality and can be used to confirm the infinite order phase transition predicted by physicists. We also study the scaling limit of this model at criticality, which we believe to be universal. partially supported by ANR MALIN arXiv:1811.08749v2 [math.PR] 1 Apr 2019Note that the DR process can be seen as a discrete-time version of a solution of a McKean-Vlasov type SDE, see McKean [20], i.e. a Markov process interacting with its distribution. It follows from an easy recursion that for all n ∈ N, X n has law µ n .The aim of this article is to define continuous-time versions of the DR model, tree and process. In particular, we are looking for a process with a density r t (x) with respect to the Lebesgue measure which could solve [9, Equation (33)], that we recall here(1.8)This differential equation (1.8) plays a key role in the prediction (1.5), and was obtained by Derrida and Retaux as an informal scaling limit of the sequence of measures (µ nt (ndx)).