Polarization phenomena in strong interactions and spin structure of hadrons still are not fully understood theoretically. The experimental data on spin-dependent interactions are also still scarce in some areas, for example, for antiproton-proton collisions.Up to now, the E704 experiment at Fermilab has brought, probably, the largest sample of measured single-spin asymmetries for inclusive pion production in collisions of 200 GeV polarized antiproton with unpolarized protons over a wide x F range (0.2 < x F <0.9). The absolute values of observed asymmetries A N for produced pions grow up as x F increases. For π -, A N is positive and grows up as large as ~20%. For π 0 , it is also positive but smaller, just up to about 10%. For π + , A N is large and negative, down to -30%.The new SPASCHARM experiment at IHEP (Protvino, Russia) will study spin phenomena, using the polarized antiproton beam at the energy of ~15 GeV. At the first stage of experiment, the spin effects in production of hadrons, consisting of light u-, d-, and s-quarks, will be studied. Single-spin asymmetry can be measured for tens of reactions. Polarization effects in hyperon and vector meson production will be explored as well. The second stage of the experiment has the goal to measure singlespin effects in charmonium production as well as carry out the double-spin asymmetry measurements in order to evaluate the contribution of gluon polarization into the spin of proton at large x F .The PANDA experiment proposed at FAIR facility will provide the opportunity for measuring the polarization of strange and single-charmed hyperons in final states of antiproton-proton annihilation.