In recent years, the suitable use of auxiliary information technique in control charts has shown an improved run length performance compared to control charts that do not have this feature. This article proposes a combined variable sampling interval (VSI) and double sampling (DS) chart using the auxiliary information (AI) technique (called VSIDS-AI chart, hereafter). The plotting-statistic of the VSIDS-AI chart requires information from both the study and auxiliary variables to efficiently detect process mean shifts. The charting statistics, optimal design and performance assessment of the VSIDS-AI chart are discussed. The steady-state average time to signal (ssATS) and steady-state expected average time to signal (ssEATS) are considered as the performance measures. The ssATS and ssEATS results of the VSIDS-AI chart are compared with those of the DS AI, variable sample size and sampling interval AI, exponentially weighted moving average AI (EWMA-AI) and run sum AI (RS-AI) charts. The results of comparison show that the VSIDS-AI chart outperforms the charts under comparison for all shift sizes, except the EWMA-AI and RS-AI charts for small shift sizes. An illustrative example is provided to demonstrate the implementation of the VSIDS-AI chart.