The multipurpose reflectometer was developed primarily to measure apparent reflectance, specular gloss, and trichromatic coefficients. These meas urements are useful in the ceramic, paint, text ile, paper, and chemical industries to indicate lightness, gloss, and color of finished articles. I n the reflectometer, two light beams from a single source are directed along separate p aths to two barrier-layer photocells. Various types of these photocells were studied to find which could be used most advantageously. The reflectometer employs a s ubstitution null method and requires a galvanometer to indicate equality of the currents generated by the two photocells. For each sample tested, there is a photometric adjustment to restor e equality of the currents. The amounts of photometric adjustment are m easured on the direct-reading scales , one of which is used for apparent reflectance and the other for spec ul a r gloss. Because of its high precision, the instrument is well suited for measuring small differences in apparent reflectance, gloss, or color of nearly identical samples. However, for grea t est accuracy, it is necessary to correct the scale readings by calibration.