The modern trends in converting a gasoline-powered vehicle (Diesel, Petrol, or CNG) into an electric vehicle requires an appropriate redesign in the placement of new electrical components. These new trends of approaches are often applied to vehicles that are manufactured for the sole purpose of operating a fully electric vehicle without any gasoline components. However, in the case of retrofitting a gasoline-powered vehicle into a battery-powered electric vehicle (EV), different approaches are used in an already running vehicle that can be converted into a fully functioning Electric Vehicle. This results in better recycling, environment-friendly usage of old vehicles, and a massive improvement in air pollution levels. A minimum amount of maintenance while owning an Electric Vehicle is a key factor where the automobile industry gains attention for buyers or customers. The conversion of traditional or conventional vehicles into fully functioning Electric Vehicles has gained preference in recent years. However, the components used in an Electric vehicle are to be discussed to fully assess the working of an EV in the process of this conversion. In this paper, we shall focus particularly on the implementation of such conversions and controlling of the electric vehicle through different types of Electric Vehicle Control. The functions of each component in an Electric Vehicle Controller or just a controller in general, show different approaches to communicating with each other to achieve an efficient range and performance of the particular electric vehicle. The relations between these components inside of an EV controller can be studied by their energy flow, circuitry, and their functions. Control Area Network (CAN) is also considered as a topology to determine the aforementioned working of each component. Fault diagnosis, charging status, and battery capacity status are some of the many factors that are applicable after installing a controller within the Electric Vehicle.