High performance reverse-phase liquid chromatography with UV-detection can be used to determine race levels of Pd and C o a s their dithiocarbamate complexes by direct injection of aqueous acetonitrile solutions of the metal containing dithiocarbamate. An excess of ligand, a t least f o u r times that required to form the neutral metal complex, was necessary for complete metalcomplex formation. T h e presence of other metal species and the solution acidity depleted the amount o f ligand available € o r complexation. Detection limits for Pd(I1) and Co(1II) from aqueous solution a s their dithiocarbamate complexes were 2.7 ng/mL and 9.5 n g / m L respectively. Trace le'vels of Pd i n 2399 MUELLER AND LOVETTp l a t i n u m p o w d e r ( 6 2 u g / g ) h a v e b e e n d e t e r m i n e d .