“…International equity investment Flows Portes and Rey (2005) and Martin and Rey (2004) Holdings Aggarwal et al (2012), Diyarbakirlioglu (2011), Daude and Fratzscher (2008), Lane and Milesi-Ferretti (2008), Mishra (2007), Coeurdacier and Martin (2007) and Faruqee et al (2004) Weights Berkel (2007, De Santis and Gérard (2006), Amandi (2004) and Al-Khail (2003) Home bias Pendle (2008), Ferreira and Miguel (2007), Chan et al (2005) and Bertaut and Kole (2004) Risk diversification Return correlation Diyarbakirlioglu (2011), Lane and Milesi-Ferretti (2008), Pendle (2008), Berkel (2007), Ferreira and Miguel (2007), Mishra (2007), Amandi (2004) and Faruqee et al (2004) GDP growth rate correlation Lane and Milesi-Ferretti (2008) and Mishra (2007) Industry concentration Ferreira and Miguel (2007) Specific risk Lane and Milesi-Ferretti (2008) and Al-Khail (2003) Return Return Diyarbakirlioglu (2011), Ferreira and Miguel (2007), Coeurdacier and Martin (2007), Amandi (2004) and (2007), Ferreira and Miguel (2007) and Al-Khail (2003) Market capitalisation Daude and Fratzscher (2008), Lane and Milesi-Ferretti (2008), Pendle (2008), Mishra (2007), …”