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Documents in EconStor mayRetail payments provide a very important, yet not the most visible, infrastructure for the operation of the real economy. The way economic actors pay is not only important from a theoretical point of view but also from a policy perspective as the costs for providing payment services are substantial in most countries. As we are witnessing a transformation in these markets from traditional paper-based payment instruments towards electronic means of payments, the interaction between market forces and regulatory initiatives continues to be a determining factor for the future. This interaction, and the possible policy conclusions stemming from it, was the main theme of this conference.The selection and refereeing process of this paper has been carried out by the conference organisational team composed of experts from both organising institutions. As the conference was organised with a focus on the key issues above, papers were selected not only based on their standalone quality but also considering the relevance of the research subject to the themes of the event. Following the conference the selected papers have been asked to be revised according to the discussants assigned to the respective paper.The paper is released in order to make the working papers and accompanying research submitted to the conference publicly available.
Non-technical summaryThis paper studies the determinants in migrants' choice of payment channel when sending money to relatives abroad. Migrant remittances are an important source of external finance for many countries.In 2012, globally-recorded remittance flows to developing countries reached USD 400 billion (World Bank, 2012). However, the actual amount of remittances sent is probably significantly larger, as a large but unknown share of remittances are transferred through unrecorded informal channels, such as money brought home on return and transfers throu...