Competitive basketball is one of the most popular sports in the world. With the development of China’s sports power strategy, the national movement has strengthened the status of basketball in sports. However, China’s competitive basketball ranking is not high in the world, and the analysis of the reasons should start with the management system. Therefore, this paper aims to explore the development status and influencing factors of China’s competitive basketball management system under the background of deep learning. For the background of deep learning, this paper describes the application of deep learning algorithms in basketball strategy. It adopts the expert interview method for the competitive basketball management system and elaborates in detail on five aspects: target mechanism, competition mechanism, selection mechanism, market mechanism, and incentive mechanism. The experimental results of the article believe that, based on the suggestions of 10 experts, the current Chinese competitive basketball selection mechanism is the most influential factor, with a weight of 16.1%, and the smallest impact is the level of athletes, accounting for 11.4%.