Previously measured angular distributions of the differential cross section and the tensor analyzing power T2o for the scattering of 7Li from 51V in the energy range from 10 to 18 MeV were analyzed with the double folding model using the effective nucleonnucleon interaction M3Y as well as a zero range effective nucleon-nucleon interaction. Due to the spectroscopic deformation of the 7Li-nucleus the interaction potential contains a central and a TR-tensor part. The latter one is the origin of the observed tensor analyzing powers. Within the same model the scattering of aligned 7Li-nuclei from 58Ni at 14.2 and 20.3 MeV is well described. The strength of the TR-tensor potential in relation to the spectroscopic mass deformation of 7Li is discussed. Using the real interaction potential obtained by the double folding model the energy dependence of the total reaction cross section o -r and its tensor analyzing power T~0 for the system 7Li-51V is well described within a barrier penetration model.