On leaching the melt, most constituents are rendered insoluble either as hydroxides or calcium salts, except for rhenium and a small amount of molybdenum. A rather complete separation of the elements is obtained, as shown by the fact that no precipitate is formed in the filtrate from rocks on adjusting the pH to 7.5 with ammonium hydroxide. About 680 and 440 Mg. of Mo03, respectively, were found in the filtrate when 0.5 and 0.3 gram of MoS2 were tested; 50 Mg. and less than 5 Mg• of Mo03 were found when 0.5 gram of W-l was taken to which 1 mg. and 100 Mg• of Mo03, respectively, had been added. Table V. Test of Procedure on Mixtures of W-l and Molybdenite Containing 70 p.p.m. of Re Mix taken, gram Re in mix,__Re recovered, µg. MoS2 W-l Mg.