The incommensurate/discommensurate modulated structures of NbTe4 are described using the dualistic approach, an alternative to the superspace group formalism of de Wolff [Acta Cryst. (1984), A40, 34-42]. On the basis of electron diffraction experiments, the room-temperature modulated structure is P 4/ mcc described dualistically as 14/mmm which is equivalent to the previously reported superspace group notation wP4/mcc -i-~ determined from X-ray diffraction. On cooling NbTe4, changes occur in the electron diffraction patterns over the temperature range I00 to 50 K, before the lock-in transition to the commensurate (2ax3c) superstructure. Although this low temperature modulation can formally be described with the same dualistic and superspace group symbols as the room-temperature one, but with the basic and modulation unit cells enlarged from a and x/2a to v~a and 2a respectively, it in fact represents a discommensuration phase, where the low-temperature (2ax3c) superstructure is nucleated within the incommensurate surrounding and accommodated to it with periodic discommensurations.