No standardized method exists for the determination of total or individual carbohydrates in beer and this could cause difficulties in view of regulatory requirements for labelling. A comparative study of known methods likely to be most suitable for the measurement of total carbohydrate in beer was therefore undertaken.... ... Methods were also examined for estimating other important residual carbohydrates in beer, such as residual fermentable carbohydrates, 0-glucan, total fructose and fructosans, and total pentose and pentosans. The beers analysed covered a wide range of carbohydrate levels and, as expected, the different methods gave different values for the carbohydrate content of the same beer. We consider that the colorimetric anthrone-sulphuric acid procedure (Yadav's version) is to be preferred for estimating the total residual carbohydrate content of beer. It is less prone to interference, relatively simple, rapid and gives more accurate results than acid or enzymic hydrolysis in combination with reductometric procedures. The within-laboratory coefficient of variation is 1 68%.Key words: analysis-method, saccharide,, carbohydrate, poly-
IntroductionAt present there is no standardized or recommended method for determining total or individual carbohydrates in beer and this could lead to difficulties in the future with regard to requirements for labelling. It has long been realized that dis crepancies can arise between the results obtained by the use of different analytical procedures for estimating total carbo hydrate in beer. Therefore, following discussions with the Laboratory of the Government Chemist and members of the Institute of Brewing Analysis Committee, it was decided that the Foundation would undertake a comparison of available methods likely to be most suitable for determining total carbohydrate, so that preferred methods can be recommended. Nutritional aspects were outside the terms of reference of this study and therefore no attempt was made to distinguish between metabolizable and non-metabolizable carbohydrates. It was decided also to examine methods for determining groups of components within the residual carbohydrate of beer.Investigations were carried out on procedures for estimating total carbohydrate, residual fermentable carbohydrates (up to and including maltotriose), /3-glucan, pentose and pento sans, and fructose and fructosans. The beers analysed included ales and lagers, low carbohydrate 'diabetic type' beers, stouts and beers brewed at the Foundation. These were selected to provide a wide range of carbohydrate concentra tions.
Experimental and DiscussionTotal Carbohydrate.-There are two principal methods for the measurement of total carbohydrates in beer, reducto metric titration and colorimetry. In the former method the reduction of Cu (II) to Cu (I) or the reduction of ferricyanide to ferrocyanide is used to determine the amount of monosaccharide produced by acid hydrolysis or by enzymic digestion. In the latter procedure, hexose sugars are converted by acid catalys...