Two-way coupled DNS simulation of particle-laden turbulent Couette-flow [1], in the volume fraction regime φ > 10 −4 , showed a discontinuous decrease of turbulence intensity beyond a critical volume fraction φ cr ∼ 7.875 × 10 −4 . Due to the presence of high inertial particles, the drastic reduction of shear production of turbulence and in turn the reduction of viscous dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy is found to be the main cause for the discontinuous attenuation of turbulence. In this article, particle-phase statistics is explored. The two-way coupled DNS, reveal that the mean-square velocity profiles in cross-stream (y) and span-wise (z) directions are flat and increase with φ as the higher frequency of collision helps in transferring streamwise momentum to span-wise and wall-normal directions. Whereas, streamwise fluctuations decrease and tend become flatter with increase in loading. In the regime with φ > φ cr , the particle velocity fluctuations, which are generated by collisional re-distribution of momentum, drive the fluid phase velocity fluctuations. Additionally it is observed that one-way coupled DNS and Fluctuating Force Simulation (FFS) [2] are capable to predict the particle phase statistics with reasonable accuracy in the regime φ < φ cr where wall-particle collision time and inter-particle collision time is lesser than viscous relaxation time of the particles. For, φ > φ cr a significant error in the prediction from one-way coupled DNS and FFS is observed. The reason for the deviation is found to be due to the limitation of FFS in capturing the turbulence attenuation and the change in mean fluid velocity profile. A modified FFS model (M-FFS) is successfully developed in this article with modified mean fluid velocity profile and zero-diffusivity. It is established here that the particle phase statistics of high inertial particles can also be predicted with less expensive decoupled M-FFS (modified FFS) model in place of two-way coupled DNS, in denser volume fraction regime, with an a priori knowledge of φ cr .