The application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education has garnered increasing attention in recent years. This study investigates the primary methods of AI in education, including The Teaching Machine System, Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Intelligent Educational Systems, and the Intelligent College Student Comprehensive Quality Evaluation Model. The Teaching Machine System employs pre-defined rules and algorithms to deliver personalized instruction to students. Intelligent Tutoring Systems use AI algorithms to provide real-time feedback and guidance to students, tailoring the learning experience to address their learning gaps. Intelligent Educational Systems use AI to assist with instructional design, assessment, and delivery, while the Intelligent College Student Comprehensive Quality Evaluation Model is an AI-based system designed to evaluate students' comprehensive quality. Furthermore, this paper provides relevant descriptions and insights into the applications of AI in language and mathematics learning, highlighting the limitations of current AI models in these areas. Despite the advances in AI, challenges still exist, including limitations in processing unstructured data and the need for more effective human-AI interactions. Nonetheless, the potential of AI to enhance the quality and accessibility of education remains promising, and further research is needed to explore its full potential in the field of education.