To date there is no standard protocol on evaluation of the masticatory performance in complete denture wearer even though many methods had been described in the literature for measurement of the masticatory performance of the complete denture wearers. The masticatory performances were measured either subjectively or objectively, but no positive correlation was found between subjective and objective measurement. Therefore, there is a need to standardize the objective measurement, as subjective measurements rely on patients' perceptions, which is not reliable. Intra individual and inter individual variations that exist support the need to standardize the method of measurement.Key words: masticatory performance, complete denture.
INTRODUCTIONThe efficiency and success of complete dentures are difficult to measure objectively. It is important to be able to do so because patients sometimes complain with no clinical evidence (1,2). Most patients expect dentures to be comparable, both functionally and esthetically, to a natural dentition (3). To predict individual patients' ability to chew test foods, dentists cannot rely on subjective responses to questionnaires on chewing difficulties or on the complete denture. However, a series of chewing tests can determine the individual masticatory performance. An objective test of masticatory performance could provide useful information of edentulous subjects wearing complete denture; later this information could support advice and decisions made by the dentists to patients on the treatment and the treatment outcome (4).
OBJECTIVESTooth loss is significant in elderly people, partly due to poor oral health. Fiske and Lewis (1995) suggested that oral health is important in the elderly in terms of their ability to eat healthy nutritious food (5), as elderly with a reduced number of teeth had a poor quality diet (6). It is important to have good oral health and chewing ability, either by means of the remaining teeth or with dentures (7).The selection of food by the elderly was affected by the number of teeth, the number of occluding pairs and the presence of complete dentures (8,9). The wearing of complete dentures also resulted in changes in masticatory function compared with dentate subjects (10-12). Therefore, a measurement of the performance and the efficiency of masticatory function is important as restoring the masticatory function is one of the purposes of complete denture construction (13).The objective of this paper is to give a brief insight into the masticatory performance and efficiency of complete denture wearers and various methods used to establish the masticatory performance of the edentulous patients.
Definition"The ability of a patient to masticate is measured in two ways, i.e (1) Masticatory efficiency and (2) Masticatory performance"-Bates, Stafford and Harrison (10). From the Glossary of Prosthodontics (14), masticatory efficiency is defined as the effort required achieving a standard degree of comminution while masticatory performance i...