Penelitian dilatar belakangi data hasil Survei Sosial Ekonomi Nasional (SUSENAS) oleh Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) 2018 yang menyebutkan sebanyak 58,57% Muslim di Indonesia belum bisa baca Al-Qur’an. Selanjutnya, hasil Riset Institut Ilmu Al-Qur’an (IIQ) 2018 menyimpulkan 65% Muslim di Indonesia mengalami buta aksara Al-Qur’an. Hasil observasi, wawancara serta pengalaman peneliti di MDTA Mesjid Jami’ Kapalo Baringin menguraikan bahwa proses belajar mengajar di MDTA masih konvensional serta guru belum menggunakan media pembelajaran yang bervariasi. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam Perancangan Website Eduji Menggunakan WordPress, yaitu jenis penelitian Research and Development (R&D) dengan model pengembangan Waterfall Pressman 2015. Tahapan yang dilakukan, yaitu Communication, Planning, Modeling, Construction dan Deployment. Setelah perancangan selesai, pengujian produk yang dilakukan di antaranya validitas produk oleh 2 validator dan validitas konten oleh 1 validator menggunakan rumus Statistik Aiken’s V, uji praktikalitas produk oleh 3 guru MDTA menggunakan rumus Purwanto dan uji efektivitas produk oleh 2 siswi MDTA menggunakan rumus G-Score. Produk diuji oleh beberapa penguji dengan hasil rata-rata validitas produk bernilai 0,83 sehingga produk dikategorikan valid. Hasil validitas konten bernilai 0,71 sehingga konten produk dikategorikan valid. Hasil rata-rata uji praktikalitas produk bernilai 91% sehingga produk dikategorikan sangat praktis. Hasil rata-rata uji efektivitas produk bernilai 0,75 sehingga produk dikategorikan memiliki efektivitas tinggi. Saran yang diberikan guna pengembangan website, yaitu penambahan materi serta audio, terdapat forum diskusi untuk berbagi ilmu baik dari guru ke siswa maupun antar siswa dan pengembangan tipe kuis sehingga dapat mengoptimalkan pengukuran kemampuan siswa.
The research was motivated by data from the 2018 National Socioeconomic Survey (SUSENAS) by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) which stated that 58.57% of Muslims in Indonesia could not read the Koran. Furthermore, the results of the 2018 Research Institute for the Science of the Qur'an (IIQ) concluded that 65% of Muslims in Indonesia are illiterate in the Qur'an. The results of observations, interviews and the experiences of researchers at MDTA Mesjid Jami' Kapalo Baringin describe that the teaching and learning process at MDTA is still conventional and teachers have not used a variety of learning media. The type of research used in Eduji Website Design Using WordPress is Research and Development (R&D) with the Waterfall Pressman 2015 development model. The stages carried out are Communication, Planning, Modeling, Construction and Deployment. After the design is complete, product testing is carried out including product validity by 2 validators and content validity by 1 validator using the Aiken's V Statistics formula, product practicality testing by 3 MDTA teachers using the Purwanto formula and product effectiveness testing by 2 MDTA students using the G-Score formula . The product was tested by several examiners with an average product validity value of 0.83 so that the product is categorized as valid. The result of content validity is 0.71 so that the product content is categorized as valid. The average product practicality test result is 91% so that the product is categorized as very practical. The average result of the product effectiveness test is 0.75 so that the product is categorized as having high effectiveness. Suggestions given for website development, namely the addition of material and audio, there are discussion forums for sharing knowledge both from teacher to student and between students and developing quiz types so as to optimize the measurement of student abilities.