The world community strives to create a global strategy for human education regardless of place of residence and educational level. This can lead to solving many problems if the images broadcast by the general, global education system are adequate for the real World. At the same time, this can dramatically accelerate the movement of our civilization towards the fateful line, if images that are not adequate in reality are deliberately or ignorantly embedded in this global system. In our time, trends in the development of the world educational space are predicted, types of regions are distinguished on the basis of the interaction of educational systems and their response to integration processes. This paper examines the features of the individual's worldview at the present stage. The author describes the main trends in the development of the modern educational environment, the signs of education in the era of globalization, the principles of the world education system. The author presents a model of the structure of a person's worldview and traces the transformations in the structure of a person that occur in the process of forming a worldview. The author analyses the role of ethno-pedagogical theory in the formation of the worldview of future teachers and formulates the tasks of ethno-pedagogical training and the principles.