The feasibility of iron-zinc intermetallic-phase preparation by spark-plasma sintering (SPS) was investigated. The samples were prepared with a combination of powder metallurgy, where the powder was prepared in evacuated quartz tubes, and a sintering process using SPS. Since the Fe-Zn intermetallic phases are mostly used for hot-dip galvanized steels, the knowledge of the properties of individual intermetallic phases is vital for a better understanding and even further optimization of galvanization processes. The main aim of the article is to compare the phase composition of the initial powder with the SPS samples using X-ray diffraction. Furthermore, the hardness and microstructure were investigated as well. Keywords: Fe-Zn intermetallics, spark-plasma sintering, diffusion annealing, phase composition, hardness Preu~evana je bila izvedljivost priprave`elezo-cink intermetalnih faz s sintranjem v iskre~i plazmi (SPS). Vzorci so bili pripravljeni s pomo~jo metalurgije prahov, kjer so bili prahovi zaprti v evakuirane kvar~ne cevi, ki mu je sledil postopek SPS. Ker se Fe-Zn intermetalne faze ve~inoma uporablja pri vro~em cinkanju jekel, so lastnosti posamezne faze pomembne za bolj{e razumevanje in celo za optimiranje procesa galvanizacije. Glavni namen~lanka je primerjava sestave faz s pomo~jo rentgenske difrakcije v za~etnih prahovih in SPS vzorcih. Preiskovani sta bili tudi trdota in mikrostruktura. Klju~ne besede: Fe-Zn intermetalne zlitine, sintranje z iskre~o plazmo, difuzijsko`arjenje, sestava faz, trdota