Certain features of operant behavior that are sensitive to the adverse effects of chemical exposure can be obscured by exclusive experimental reliance on global measures such as response rate. Temporal patterning of behavior is the clearest example. Reinforcement schedules studied in behavioral pharmacology and toxicology reveal novel consequences of chemical treatment when subjected to analyses of their temporal and serial properties. Fixed-ratio performance, for example, undergoes not only changes in response rate, but also displays distinctive shifts in interresponse time patterning, changes in the interresponse time distribution, and deterioration in what might be termed the cohesiveness of the ratio. Variable-interval performance also may change in distinctive ways that produce altered response patterning without marked changes in rate. Sequential dependencies, as measured by techniques of time series analysis, may also reveal effects not reflected by response rates. Spaced responding and autoregressive schedules provide examples. The serial and temporal properties alluded to above can be described and analyzed by a variety of quantitative techniques that also yield information of theoretical interest.
83Behavior is a process, not a state. Yet although this principle is generally acknowledged, it is often ignored: the process is condensed into an average such as rate. This practice obscures some of the most important and intriguing facets of behavior: its sequential properties. Surely, if early events did not influence later ones, a science of behavior would not exist. Previous symposia in this series, in fact, have aroused debates, such as those on maximizing and matching, that have eddied around minute details of process. To add biological and pharmacological variables only magnifies such issues. In the present paper, we plan to feature one of these: serial or sequential relationships and what they add to an experimental analysis. Two kinds of situations will be examined, one of which makes sequential dependencies an explicit element in a contingency, while the other induces such effects indirectly. Those aspects that clarify the actions of chemical agents will be stressed here.Behavioral pharmacology and toxicology depend upon behavioral science to provide a technology suitable for assessing chemical influences. When that technology proves inadequate, it hampers not only the ability to interpret the consequences of chemical treatment, but even the ability to design the appropriate experiments. In one major respect, that technology is inadequate. Especially during the past two decades, when such impressive progress has been achieved in understanding the molecular processes governing the chemistry of the nervous system, specialists in the experimental analysis of behavior seem to have turned more and more to the kind of gross phenomena that can be conveniently accommodated by mathematical models such as the matching law. This paper is not the place to review such a complex issue, but the tendency to ignore...