Energy policies are seriously affecting economic and social life all over the world as well as in Turkey. When the supply process from the energy resource to the consumer increases in energy cost depending on transport type it has important influence. Increase in energy costs in the supply chain is undertaken by all stakeholders. In this study, we examine at which level road transportation costs, which is the most predominant type of transportation in Turkey is influenced by energy consumption with reference to the energy policies of Turkey and energy consumption of Turkish transportation sector. Thus certain suggestions reducing energy costs have been made to all parties in the supply chain by considering the distribution between energy related costs and other costs.
Keywords: Energy, Supply Chain, Transportation
AN OVERVIEW OF ENERGY CONSEPTEnergy, one of the base quantities of Physics. Energy is a conservative magnitude, it can not be fragmented as it can not be destroyed but it can convert from one form to another. During this conversion process energy loses occur these loses cause unproductiveness. The form of energy which is converted or transformed is called "Primary Energy". Primary energy resources: coal, crude oil, natural gas, nuclear, hydraulic, bio-mass, tidal-wave, sunlight and wind [ Figure 1]. Conversion of primary energy creates a new energy that called "Secondary Energy". Electric, gasoline, diesel oil, coking coal, liquefied petroleum gas are the examples for secondary energy resources. Energy resources on the Earth are divided into two by their generation, fossil and renewable. Fossil (exhaustible) energy resources; hard coal, crude oil, natural gas, uranium, lignite, turf, thorium and asphalt[ Table 1]. Because of their generation take ages, they are non-regenerative energies, due to uncertainty in reserves their costs are increasing. Renewable (natural) energy sources classified as solar energy, wind energy, hydraulic energy, geothermal energy, sea origin energies (wave or tidal) Renewable energy sources are less harmful sources than fossil energy sources. This sources are sources which, generally available on the earth and nature without need for any production process, during production of electricity CO 2 emission occur, regenerate with continuous motion and existing in nature as ready to use [1].