“…More precisely, given the possibly large number of simple misperceptions, ICs are estimated by comparing target FDs made on target-absent experimental trials, in which all the information necessary to perceive the target is present, although not in the same object, with FDs made on target-absent control trials, in which one of the target's attributes is missing. As can be seen in Figure 1, target-absent experimental displays always contained two differently oriented forms (either triangles, as in Figures Yet, even in such a simple detection situation, both CDs and ICs may result from decision bias (Kolinsky, 1988(Kolinsky, , 1989Treisman & Souther, 1986). Thus, rather than directly comparing raw FD and CD scores with regard to laterality effects, we also used the signal detection theory bias-free index of discriminability, d' (see, e.g., Green & Swets, 1966).…”